A photo of South Lanarkshire Council HQ with an SNP-yellow filter over it

About Me

Hi, I’m Cal and I was born, raised and live in this part of Lanarkshire. I grew up in Bellshill before moving to Edinburgh to study Information Systems at Heriot-Watt University.

I went on to work in technology management, banking and education before becoming a Business Agility Coach and Trainer. My career has taken me to Edinburgh, London and the USA. I have taught in a special school, a university and in corporate settings.

I returned to the west of Scotland in 2019 and now live in South Lanarkshire with my wife and our dog Arwen.

It is my absolute honour to be able to represent Bothwell & Uddingston on the council. My primary focus will always be peoples’ wellbeing. That’s why I support strong local governance in an independent Scotland.

Election History

I was elected on 6th May 2022 in the general Scottish Local Elections. I was proud to run a campaign on a progressive manifesto that saw SNP candidates gain the largest number of first preference votes in the ward.

Horizontal bar chart showing: SNP (Total) 32.2%. Labour 30.3%. Conservative 27.6%. SNP (CD) 17.2%. SNP (JM) 15.1%. Lib Dem 5.3%. Green 4.5%.
Share of first preference votes per party/candidate in Bothwell and Uddingston
(Source: Ballot Box Scotland. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.)

This SNP success in Bothwell and Uddingston was replicated across South Lanarkshire where we gained more first preference votes (36.9%) and more Councillors (27/64) than any other party.

Graphic showing the winning councillors' parties, by ward (left) Share of first preference votes per party across South Lanarkshire (right)
Map and list of winning Councillors’ parties, by ward (left)
Share of first preference votes per party across South Lanarkshire (top right)
Party makeup of South Lanarkshire Council after election (bottom right)
(Source: Ballot Box Scotland. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.)

Unfortunately, despite coming first, the SNP did not have over 50% of the seats and a Labour-Lib Dem-Independent coalition with the support of the Tories (“a unionist pact”) voted to keep us out of administration – against the wishes of the electorate.

Council Activity

As a Councillor, I sit on various committees, boards and panels. In this council term, these are:

In June 2022, I was appointed one of the Council’s three Adoption and Fostering Champions.

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