A photo of South Lanarkshire Council HQ with an SNP-yellow filter over it

2nd Family Fun Day with Cost of Living Support

Unfortunately, one year on from our Cost of Living and Family Fun Day in 2022, families across the UK are still struggling to pay their bills and buy essentials. In fact, the situation is much worse than last year, with many people just one pay day away from destitution.

2023 has seen record-breaking inflation caused in no small part by the Conservatives in Westminster, with dangerously right-wing economic policy so insane that even global financial markets couldn’t get behind them. And let’s not forget their complete lack of support for small business fuel costs and then the scrapping of the Energy Price Guarantee for domestic properties – together helping Shell and Centrica (British Gas) rake in massive profits. The Bank of England’s inflation calculator has even had to start reporting monthly for 2023, as opposed to annually for all previous years.

It was therefore imperative that the same team as last year — me, my council colleagues, Stephanie Callaghan MSP, Angela Crawley MP, Bothwell Futures, Bothwell Parish C of S and St Bride’s RC Church — got together again to plan another day of support orgs and fun activities for children.

It was great to see the two churches, community groups and local businesses come together for a second year running to look after their community.

It took place on Monday 24th July between noon and 4pm at St Bride’s Parish Centre, Fallside Road. The weather might not have turned out for us but there was still good attendance. I was personally able to meet and help a few constituents with council issues.

My massive thanks to all the organisations that attended, including; Home Energy Scotland, Women’s Aid, NHS Lanarkshire, Men Matter, LAMH, Age Scotland, and many others.

If you weren’t able to make it along to the day but need support, I have a list of great organisations in my Support Directory and I am available to help with any council matters.

See also:

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