A photo of South Lanarkshire Council HQ with an SNP-yellow filter over it

Bothwell Community Hub Opening

It was great to attend the Bothwell Community Hub Opening Yesterday. Bothwell Futures took over the Donald Institute building from South Lanarkshire Council last year in a Community Asset Transfer process.

The building previously housed only the Bothwell Library but now will now be a community space, still with a library but also housing a meeting spaces, flexible use community areas, and two businesses; Your Move McLaughlin and an alterations tailor.

As a community trust with charity status, Bothwell Futures is non-profit. The revenue from hosting these businesses will help ensure the long term viability of the hub. The work Bothwell Futures have done in such a short amount of time to fully retore and reopen the building is truly astonishing.

The opening day itself was really fun with a great buzz in air. There was live music, Bothwell Futures cupcakes and stalls from local businesses Riva, Nel & Co, and Flat Flat White Mobile Espresso Bar (always a favourite at Uddingston Food Market).

I’m looking forward to using the Community Hub as a space to hold meetings and my constituent surgeries. I also took the opportunity to get a new library card.

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